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Who Is Responsible for Fixing Iran Nuclear Deal?

Updated: May 28

In the tumultuous landscape of international relations, few diplomatic achievements have been as significant yet fragile as the Iran nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).


Crafted during President Obama's second term, the agreement aimed to curb Iran's nuclear ambitions in exchange for lifting crippling economic sanctions. However, the JCPOA's future took a drastic turn when President Donald Trump, driven by a hawkish stance towards Iran, unilaterally withdrew the United States from the deal in 2018.


Trump's decision, coupled with aggressive rhetoric and actions, including the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, escalated tensions in the already volatile Middle East region. The subsequent imposition of stringent economic sanctions further strained relations between Washington and Tehran, pushing Iran to ramp up its nuclear activities and heightening the risk of military conflict.


Amid this precarious situation, the responsibility now falls on the United States to rectify the damage wrought by Trump's actions and restore the JCPOA. The significance of this task cannot be overstated, as failure to do so risks exacerbating regional instability and jeopardizing global security.


Joe Biden, who campaigned on a platform promising to rejoin the JCPOA, assumed office with a mandate to reverse Trump's damaging policies. However, his administration's approach has been marred by hesitation and missteps, prolonging the impasse and hindering progress towards a diplomatic resolution.


Despite Biden's initial support for the JCPOA, his administration's insistence on renegotiating the terms and reluctance to lift sanctions immediately undermined confidence in the diplomatic process. The delay in reengaging with Iran allowed hardline elements within the Iranian government to consolidate power, further complicating negotiations.


Moreover, the Biden administration's deference to Israeli interests has exacerbated tensions and undermined efforts to rebuild trust with Iran. Israel's covert operations and provocative actions, including attacks on Iranian nuclear facilities, have only served to escalate the situation, making diplomatic breakthroughs increasingly elusive.


To restore stability and prevent a catastrophic conflict, Washington must demonstrate leadership and commitment to diplomacy. This entails rejoining the JCPOA without preconditions, lifting punitive sanctions, and engaging in genuine dialogue with Iran to address mutual concerns.


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