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How US Failed to Isolate Iran

Updated: Aug 31, 2023

Since the United States abandoned the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), often known as the Iran nuclear deal, there has been tension and uncertainty on the global scene.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi's recent comments at a press conference in Tehran highlight a crucial reality: the failure of the West's attempts to isolate Iran. This came amid increased rhetoric and geopolitical manoeuvring.

As the world struggles to understand the effects of this failure, it becomes more and more obvious that reviving the nuclear agreement and re-establishing trade and commercial relations are not just wise but necessary moves to restore trust and stop nuclear proliferation in the unstable Middle East.

Ineffectiveness of Sanctions

The JCPOA was abruptly terminated by the United States in 2018, effectively ending diplomatic efforts to restrain Iran's nuclear ambitions. In addition to this pullout, a number of sanctions were put in place against Iran with the goal of diplomatically and economically isolating the country.

Iran's ability to advance its nuclear program and exert influence over regional affairs was to be compromised. President Raisi's claim that the "enemy" was unsuccessful in its attempt to isolate Iran is an admission of the incontrovertible facts on the ground.

The Iranian president's assertion is supported by the fact that, despite severe sanctions and efforts to isolate Iran, the country has maintained diplomatic ties with many nations and increased its influence throughout the Middle East. Soon it will join the BRICS, one of the biggest economic blocs in the world.

The continuation of Iran's contacts with China, Russia, and even some European countries shows that the isolation strategy has not had the desired effect.

National Resilience

The resiliency of the Iranian people is highlighted by President Raisi's comment that the enemy's attempts to isolate and dissuade its people have also failed. Iran hasn't given in to isolation while confronting internal unrest and economic difficulties. This resiliency highlights the significance of recognising the local realities and re-evaluating the efficacy.

Furthermore, it is impossible to ignore the population of Iran's aspirations for normalcy and economic stability. The JCPOA had promised to lift sanctions and provide a path for Iran to rejoin the global economy. Iran's economic prospects have been hampered by the West's breach of the accord, which has also increased domestic unrest.

President Raisi's request for talks to end sanctions and resurrect the nuclear agreement goes beyond a simple request for financial relief to bring back opportunity and hope for the Iranian people.

The most logical course of action is a renewal of the JCPOA as the geopolitical landscape is still unstable. The need of rebuilding trust between Iran and the West is underscored by President Raisi's focus on negotiations to relieve sanctions.

Despite its flaws, the JCPOA has given diplomatic engagement and oversight of Iran's nuclear operations a framework. The the West can better address its concerns and recover the ability to influence Iran's nuclear aspirations by resurrecting the agreement.

Furthermore, the reestablishment of trade and economic relations would enhance mutual understanding and construct diplomatic bridges as well as economic rewards. The West's inability to isolate Iran emphasises the need for adopting a more cooperative strategy that takes into account the regional realities and aims to resolve common problems through diplomacy.


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